About Us

The vision of Equality AI was born from the minds of our cofounders, who while working in healthcare IT and data environments, recognized the deep need to address the widening disparities in people-based industries introduced by the explosion of digital tools and algorithms used without oversight or governance. Equality AI addresses this need with a responsible AI Framework and development tools infused with a human- centered approach to guide the usage of AI in healthcare, and ultimately, all people-based industries, to produce fair and unbiased outcomes.

The Team

Maia Hightower

Co-founder and CEO

3x C-Level Healthcare Tech Executive (Chief Medical Information Officer & Chief Population Health Officer), Leader in Establishing AI Standards for Healthcare, Chairs NIH CTSA DEI Task Force, Epic Ventures Advisory Board MD, MPH, MBA (Wharton)

Janice Davis

Co-founder & COO, CTO

IT, Data Architecture, Leadership, and End-to-End Business Intelligence Delivery BS Community Health Education & Gender Studies

Our Geniuses

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The COVID pandemic disrupted the workplace and opened up new opportunities for recruiting diversity and expertise in developers and teams across the globe. At Equality AI, we seized the opportunity and assembled a team of talented people who would not have been available to us otherwise. One of the most rewarding aspects of our journey has been working with our team of experts who's talent, competency, emotional intelligence and relentless pursuit of quality and velocity have brought our vision to life and delivered into your hands, as developers, tools that support fair and unbiased outcomes in AI-based products in healthcare and people-based industries. Working with them has been a rare pleasure and our gratitude for these individuals is endless!

EAI Investors

Randall Lloyd

Founder and Managing Partner Grix VC

Jack Boren

Managing Director EPIC Ventures

Jose Rodriguez

Assoc. VP for Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Univ. of Utah Health

Suchi Saria

CEO and Founder - Bayesian Health

The Equality AI Manifesto

Our Manifesto guides our business. Please tell us your thoughts!

We pledge 1% of our equity and staff time to diversifying tech and leadership representation